Capability Maturity Model - CMM
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Mellon University has developed CMM model to help improve software development processes.CMM is a process maturity frame work, which is inspired by the quality guru; Philip Crosby’s Quality management maturity grid described in the book Quality is Free
Many software quality experts think six sigma is to be implemented after the CMM level five is achieved.However, six sigma can be implemented simultaneously with CMM implementation to get faster and better results.The following table summarizes the six sigma linkage at all the five maturity levels:

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is applicable to the software development, as it is similar to product development.Instead of using project approach the DFSS steps and techniques have to be fully integrated into the core software development processes.Improvement projects can be taken as special BB and GB projects.Further, DMAIC approach can be used for such improvement projects.
In software companies, six sigma can also be applied to support processes to address other organizational problems.For example, projects in HRD, Network maintenance, etc